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Friday, July 31, 2009

Primecreator and the portals to Manifestation

Primecreator and the portals to Manifestation, and Back to the dimensions of non sensual attraction. Learn to understand the unified fields and the paths leading though causality from void to manifest self. Watch the teaching and contemplate it's meaning often. Return to view it and listen again once every 3 weeks. Learn to see how Mankind has fallen into illusory perceptions of Reality and a false image of what "Self" means. Stare at the radiating concentric rombhus shape without blinking and focus your concentration. See the all-seeing eye which is hidden withing the dimension of limitless space, which is alive and conscious. Your nature is a Spacial one, and the only real essence is the Ether, the Luminous Void. When you meditate, ask to recieve the transformation of DNA to re-attain the 12 strands of crysalline light filaments. If you ask wholeheartedly you shall recieve this, transformation. This will assist in the reopening of all your Chakras, 7 withiin the body and 5 without. Once your embarkation onto the path of transformation is begun, your intuitive understanding of the Pleiadian message will begin to flourish. We Welcome to your Destiny.

Multidimensional Breakthrough Pleiadians Wayshowers

Message from the Pleiadians

18 Part Pleiadian Teachings on your Origins and your Destiny
Watch the playlist compiled from more than four hundred hours of channeling by Barbara Marciniak, Bringers of the Dawn imparts to us the wisdom of the Pleiadians, a group of enlightened beings who have come to Earth

Friday, July 10, 2009

Link To Pleiadian Message

Pleiadian Messages

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Linkt to Pleiadian Message

Pleiadian Messages

Link to us by taking the code in the textbox below, and pasting it into your website wherever you see fit. If you find the banner too large then you can change the height and width by editing the pice of code below in the parts where it says: WIDTH: 488px;.

Conscious Media Network Video Podcast

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